T-Bone Steak Diane, Scallops in Garlic Butter, Paglia e Fieno with Porcini and Parmesan Butter
HAPPY VALENTINES SWEET MORE PLEASE SUBSCRIBERS! Thank you as always for your support!! My oh my do I have a treat for you this week.
If The French Kiss One didn’t quite do it for you with Valentines menu ideas well then don’t worry. I’ve got three more wonderfully special and divine recipes for you to show how much you love someone. I wanted these recipes to not only be gloriously delicious and romantic options, but also to teach you something a bit technical and hopefully useful.
With this in mind, first up is Scallops in Garlic Butter. There is a nothing worse than an overcooked scallop and unfortunately it’s a very fine line to walk. My method will help you understand how to cook your scallops beautifully and confidently so you can relax and enjoy the process.
Then we have The Dinner Party’s VERY FIRST STEAK RECIPE (that isn’t raw haha). I’ve avoided steak on the whole because it is just a bit of a nightmare to cook for a crowd, but this reverse-seared T-Bone is a breeze. Steak Diane is a retro af recipe where you make a rich pan sauce for your meat with mushrooms, brandy and cream and it is just fabulous with chips.
Finally, I couldn’t fathom not suggesting a Valentines pasta. Paglia e Fieno is a dish from Emilia Romagna that translates as Straw and Hay. The straw is a classic egg tagliatelle, while the hay is made with a verdant green spinach dough, for which I have a brilliant, easy and timesaving method. The two are then cooked together where they tangle and intertwine somewhat romantically. This is most often served in a creamy ham and mushroom sauce but I’ve opted for a veggie version in a butter sauce made with dried porcini and lots and lots of parmesan cheese.